We are in more than 100 countries, reaching over 90 million people through 1,300 projects.
CARE Colombia has worked since the beginning of its operations with historically excluded populations and in geographical locations underserved by the national government, state institutions, and international cooperation.
During the following years, CARE will continue to work with populations in vulnerable situations, prioritizing women, girls, and diverse youth
After an opportunities and strengths analysis, CARE Colombia has resolved to focus on four programmatic areas in accordance with the needs prioritized by the communities and the development gaps:
Communities that are leaders and resilient to emergencies:
CARE works to save lives, preventing and alleviating individuals suffering from humanitarian crises and disasters resulting from the effects of climate change, providing them with access to vital resources such as water, food, medical and protection services, and financial income to meet their basic humanitarian needs. Furthermore, supporting their integration into host communities from a gender equality and protection perspective.
Además, apoyando su integración en las comunidades de acogida desde una perspectiva de igualdad de género y protección. CARE Colombia trabaja a través de su modelo de género en emergencias que incluye Protección, Salud y Recuperación Temprana.
Protection sector: Este es un factor transversal que implica promover, reforzar la prevención y la respuesta al acoso sexual y a la VBG; mejorar la atención a los supervivientes; reforzar las instalaciones y los servicios para mejorar la privacidad, la dignidad, la salud y la protección; y aumentar los mecanismos de protección proporcionando a las mujeres y a las niñas tratamiento, apoyo psicosocial, asesoramiento jurídico y transferencia de efectivo polivalente para garantizar su seguridad y bienestar. Algunas acciones que se desarrollan son: 1. Sensibilización sobre VBG. 2. Gestión de casos con asistencia psicojurídica para supervivientes o en riesgo de sufrir VBG. 3. Procesos de integración local con la estrategia de Women Lead in Emergency. Fortalecimiento institucional para la atención de sobrevivientes de VBG, así como la adecuación y fortalecimiento de espacios seguros de atención.
Empowered communities that achieve economic justice:
CARE strengthen the skills of the most vulnerable population to access work opportunities, productive and financial inputs to boost their economic activities, and guarantee their livelihoods by recognizing their labor rights, decent working conditions, and equitable care systems.
According to its Gender in Emergencies Model, CARE works in EARLY RECOVERY to empower women and girls to take part in leadership processes, raise their voices and develop their livelihoods. Women encounter barriers to take decisions in their own lives, achieving economic independence, being part of political participation, and accessing personal development opportunities. CARE works on livelihoods recovery, Women’s leadership in line with the Women Lead in Emergencies methodology, and empowerment in emergence and micro-savings (VSLA).
In addition, CARE supports training in business model, finances, and marketing for businesswomen, and provide technical assistance and seed capital to develop their entrepreneurial initiatives. Some of the actions currently being developed by CARE Colombia are: 1. the promotion of decent work with projects associated with paid female household workers, 2. implementation of VSLA groups, 3. promotion and facilitation of entrepreneurship with women and strengthening of knowledge in finance, marketing, and seed capital.
Communities that are sustainable and adapted to climate change:
CARE supports communities and decision makers to address vulnerabilities and major causes related to the adverse effects of climate change, their impact on community food security, and ecosystem degradation.
Además, apoyando su integración en las comunidades de acogida desde una perspectiva de igualdad de género y protección. CARE trabaja a través de su modelo de Género en Emergencias que incluye Protección, Salud y Recuperación temprana. CARE Colombia está implementando el Proyecto Ella Alimenta al Mundo, cuyo objetivo es mejorar las habilidades y capacidades de pequeñas productoras para participar en la agricultura. Este enfoque integra habilidades clave en torno a la agricultura, la alfabetización de mercado, los diálogos de género, la nutrición y la resiliencia climática.
Some of the actions currently being developed by CARE Colombia are:
1. the promotion of inclusive markets with small producers, especially women.
2. the implementation of the Field Schools and the promotion of intelligent agriculture.
3. the strengthening of food security from home and community gardens through the promotion of the consumption of local products.
Peacebuilding and violence-free communities
CARE strengthen the capabilities of individuals affected by the internal conflict, women-led organizations, and governmental institutions to promoting social commitment and peace culture building through attention, prevention, and reparation of all types of violence and change in social norms that promote development and a life free of violence.
CARE Colombia works in municipalities affected by armed conflict to strengthen communities' protection systems to improve their capability to face risks, especially in GBV, strengthen the referral pathways with people affected according to the Victims Law, and improving the local capabilities to advance in The Agenda for Women, Peace, and Security.
CARE Colombia adopts an inter-programmatic approach in all its interventions, based on:
Equidad de GéneroCARE aims to transform the power dynamics and structures that serve to reinforce gendered inequalities.
Triple nexus: CARE seeks to link the humanitarian assistance projects, development projects, and peacebuilding actions to ensure a double and triple nexus approach, considering the country’s social, economic, and political context.
Localization: CARE Colombia embraces the localization promoting alliances with women-led organizations and women’s rights organizations.
CARE works worldwide to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. We seek a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.
90% of all our expenses go towards program services and supporting our poverty-fighting projects worldwide.