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Newsletter proyecto Tejiendo Caminos

Addressing the Rise of Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis:
El aumento de la sífilis, particularmente congénita, representa una amenaza para la salud pública en Colombia. Este documento sintetiza los resultados de tres estudios que completamos, junto con un proyecto piloto de servicios de salud implementado por CARE Colombia, dentro del proyecto COL-VAC-SIF y con financiación de la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), en Norte de Santander, entre marzo y agosto 2023.

Riesgos de protección de mujeres migrantes en tránsito entre Norte de Santander, Santander y Nariño
Presentamos el análisis sobre los riesgos de VBG que corre la población migrante, tanto en tránsito como la que se ve obligada a quedarse en lugares que no son su destino por falta de recursos o porque cuentan con alguna red de apoyo en los departamentos de Norte de Santander, Santander y Nariño. El análisis se construyó a partir de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos recolectados durante los procesos de apoyo y acompañamiento a 7.647 personas migrantes por parte de las organizaciones de CARE Colombia y OXFAM Colombia/Fundación Mujer y Futuro (FMF) en el marco de la respuesta humanitaria.

CARE Colombia Programmatic Strategy 2023 - 2027
This strategy has been developed through a participatory process that included the CARE technical team and its partners, under the leadership of the CARE Colombia management team, and received valuable contributions from the regional team, CARE USA, and other CARE members with whom this Country Office regularly works. This document is organized from a context analysis that addresses the current reality of the political, economic, and social problems the country is facing and explains the added value that CARE Colombia has to contribute to building a more just and equitable society. Subsequently, the strategic framework on which this strategy is based is identified, then moving on to define the CARE Colombia theory of change and the programs and strategies to be promoted over the next five years.

Towards the Gender Equality
A look at the scope of CARE in Colombia from July to December 2022
Este documento da cuenta del alcance logrado por CARE y sus socios durante el segundo semestre del año 2022 f en Colombia, teniendo como eje central la transversalización del enfoque de género. Estos logros se visibilizan a partir de las y los participantes alcanzados en las líneas programáticas de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSR), Protección, con especial énfasis en Violencias Basadas en Género (VBG), Protección a la niñez y empoderamiento económico promoviendo la integración social a través de la regularización y la implementación de estrategias como Mujeres Líderes en Emergencia (WLiE), la inclusión económica con los Grupos de Ahorro Comunitario (VSLA), así como las actividades asociadas a la consecución de las alianzas estrategias y aquellas que buscan la incidencia en temas claves a nivel nacional.

Rapid Gender Analysis 2023
This document corresponds to the collection, analysis, and systematization of information using CARE's Rapid Gender Analysis toolbox in Necoclí, Antioquia.
This document identifies the gender impacts generated by the humanitarian crisis as a result of mixed migration flows on the Colombian-Panamanian border, based on the triangulation of primary and secondary information collected through different instruments in the prioritized municipality.

Rapid Gender Analysis 2023
Norte de Santander y Nariño
This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) highlights the progress in access to rights for people who have successfully obtained temporary protection status, the results show significant progress in access to health and education rights.
There is a need to strengthen actions aimed at creating formal income sources for the refugee and migrant population, as regularizing their migration status has not brought formal employment opportunities. This is further exacerbated for women due to their caregiving roles. Additionally, there are challenges in the participation and recognition of migrant and refugee women and the LGBTIQ+ community in community and civic participation settings.

Rapid Gender Analysis 2022
Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador
Para el mes de agosto (actualización al 5) de 2022, el total de población venezolana refugiada y migrante en el mundo fue de 6.805.209. Específicamente en Colombia llega a 2.477.558 y en Ecuador a 502.2141. Los datos mencionados contienen un subregistro, por cuanto -según R4V- en su mayoría las cifras responden a registros oficiales de movimientos regulares, con ciertas excepciones, pero si se llegara a considerar el número total de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos con entradas regulares y en situación irregular, se estima que en la región el número podría ser superior a 6.81M.
Los resultados del ARG revelan que al no existir registros específicos de la población LGBTIQ+ en las estadísticas poblacionales nacionales siguen siendo una comunidad invisibilizada y subrrepresentada en casos específicos como los contextos migratorios.

PAGER - CARE Colombia - September 2022
Find information about the CARE Colombia office, humanitarian challenges, achieved results, programmatic strategy, our approaches, and defined impact areas.
This strategy outlines the organization's main commitments to overcoming poverty, contributing to peace, achieving gender equity, and responding to various humanitarian crises in these countries.
All actions align with CARE's 2030 Strategy to save lives, promote sustainable change, and multiply impact.

Towards the Gender Equality
A Look at CARE's Reach in Colombia from July 2021 to June 2022
Este documento da cuenta del alcance logrado por CARE y sus socios durante el año fiscal 2022 en Colombia, teniendo como eje central la transversalización del enfoque de género.
Estos logros se visibilizan a partir de las y los participantes alcanzados en las líneas programáticas de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, Protección, con especial énfasis en Violencias Basadas en Género y Recuperación Temprana. Lo anterior a partir de la promoción de la integración social a través de la regularización, y por medio de las estrategias de Mujeres Líderes en Emergencia (WLiE), y la integración económica con los Grupos de Ahorro Comunitario (VSLA), así como las actividades asociadas a la consecución de las alianzas estrategias y aquellas que buscan la incidencia en temas claves a nivel nacional.

Cross-border Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA)
By July 2021, the total number of Venezuelan refugees and migrants worldwide was 5.6 million, with 1.7 million in Colombia and about 432,900 in Ecuador. The Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) contained in this document presents the gender impacts of the COVID-19 health emergency in the context of the migration crisis for people in human mobility from Venezuela (migrants and those needing international protection) in the Andean zone that is part of the border between Colombia and Ecuador, particularly in the populations of Ipiales and Pasto (Colombia) and Ibarra and Tulcán (Ecuador).

Cross-Border Agenda - Women Lead in Emergency
The "Crossing Borders" project, implemented by CARE-Ecuador and CARE-Colombia, aims to "Strengthen and coordinate cross-border actions for the protection and assistance of the population impacted by the Venezuelan migration crisis, especially women and girls." It promotes the creation of a Cross-Border Comprehensive Management Model that addresses, protects, and provides humanitarian assistance to the population in mobility. The project seeks prevention and protection in cases of gender-based violence (GBV), human trafficking (HT), and facilitates access to sexual and reproductive health services.

Strengthening Safe Spaces
Safe Spaces are places that aim to provide people with a space where they can find responses to dignify their lives, reclaim rights, and make universal human rights effective.
The process of strengthening safe spaces is an action that should be understood as a process, involving different phases, as well as the validation of protocols, appropriation of spaces (materials, adequacy, and protocols) by the staff, and learning processes.

My Sexuality and My Rights
It is a social and cultural construct based on the roles and behaviors expressed from each person's gender identity.
Gender is independent of the sex assigned at birth and sexual orientation. It is the individual experience of gender as each person experiences it, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. How we perceive ourselves as people, how we live, and how we express our being.

Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Settings
Displaced women and girls are particularly vulnerable to various risks, including GBV, before, during, and after humanitarian crises. However, the environments where displaced people live often receive insufficient funding and inadequate support, especially for GBV survivors. It is proposed that specialists leading response actions for assisting GBV survivors include cash transfer programs when appropriate.

Humanitarian Response (HRP 2022) - Internal Situation
In this infographic report, you can see CARE Colombia's humanitarian activity and response throughout the national territory, as well as other NGOs and governmental organizations present in Colombia.

CARE works worldwide to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. We seek a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.
90% of all our expenses go towards program services and supporting our poverty-fighting projects worldwide.